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This page includes links to research and resources to help families navigate a peaceful and cooperative divorce process.

Relationship Research

John Gottman: “The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse”

Stress: Portrait of a killer

(National Geographic)

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are

Your body language shapes who you are

E. Mark Cummings

E. Mark Cummings studies the influences of marital conflict and family processes on children's adjustment

Fundamental Attribution Error

Academic psychologists will immediately recognize the phrase in my subtitle as a very important phenomenon in psychology. For others who may be less familiar with the fundamental attribution error (sometimes called correspondence bias or attribution effect), Wikipedia's simple definition reports that it "describes the tendency to overestimate the effect of disposition or personality and underestimate the effect of the situation in explaining social behavior.”

Indiana Pro Se Forms

"Family Matters: Choosing to Represent Yourself in Court
Indiana courts and court clerks handle more than 1.5 million cases per year, ranging from capital murder cases and multi-million dollar corporate lawsuits, to divorces, minor traffic infractions and rental disputes. The cost and importance of these cases vary greatly from case to case depending on the circumstances and the people involved. More often than not, people utilize the services of an attorney to help them in these matters. However, the Indiana Supreme Court recognizes the fact that in some instances people involved in litigation choose not to utilize the services of an attorney. This video has been developed to assist those people who choose to represent themselves in court."

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